

I interviewed Mr. ×××. He came from California.
First, I asked key word question for interview project “Why did you come to Japan?”       He answered “I met Japanese women in America. I want to marry her. But I know American culture but I didn’t Japanese culture.” It was not easy to understand a culture each other for him. I feel he loves his wife. Because I think it is not possible to do when he doesn't love his wife. Next question, “What’s do you think Japanese culture?” He likes old style Japanese culture. For example, ikebana and tea. But he doesn’t like Japanese culture is “senpai” and “kouhai”. I think He wants to speak with the person without the hierarchical relationship. There is a culture that attaches importance to the hierarchical relationship in Japan. So it is difficult to understand the different culture. He kindly answered my poor English.


Winter holiday

I went drinking to year –end party with my friends who returned home from the United States. I went to first visit with my parents in Miwa shrine of Nara. I pulled fortune telling. I pulled “Suekiti”. It means that this is usual. I got a New Year’s present in January 2nd. It is money I was so happy.


Dave Spector

Dave Spector is from U.S.A. He is a TV producer. He visited Japan to become a Japanese TV producer. He studied abroad at Sophia University in 1972. He has lived in Japan since 1983. He appears regularly as a commentator on several different Japanese television programmers. I think he is very interesting. Because he is strange comedian.